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A pictures says more than a thousand words?!

Living in the 'age of the image' the power of seduction of a photo is anything but a secret. Taken at the right moment at the right time it can create impressions and conclusions that can't be undone easily -be they correct or misleading. What we see in front of us - in terms of the behaviour of our interlocutor - inevitably sets the course the ensuing exchange will take. Though the formula that 93 % of human communication happens non-verbally has since been adjusted, the way we use our body is essential to our daily communications.  We each have 43 facial muscles at our disposal - it is worth listening to themWith this project I am directing focus on the non-verbal part of our interactions. Taking it one step further I explicitly  relinquish any audible aspect and concentrate exclusively on visual communication. The unavailability of their usual means of interaction both challenges my interlocutors and provides them with an opportunity to critically reflect about the visual aspects of their daily communication. YOGERAKO NANGE! presents one layer of a research project in the field of cultural anthropology I am currently conducting in Kampala during which I am studying

the role and relevance of artistic expression in the development of a society


The title YOGERAKO NANGE! translates to TALK TO ME!. At first glance it might seem somewhat misleading. However, there are two major aspects that let me finally chose this title:

First As a researcher I am bound to communicate to gather necessary data. I am dependant on the willingness of my interlocutors, friends, partners and - everybody else really - to  talk to me. The title giving request YOGERAKO NANGE! [Talk to me!] is, then, a question, an appeal, an offer and proposal at the same time. Above all - it is essential.

Second As I laid out above our interactions consist of much more than just the meaning of the words wo chose to convey said meaning. However, if this research shall achieve 'completeness' - if only to a minimal degree - I shall direct my attention to every layer of human  communication. By asking people to 'talk' to me without saying a single word I highlight the importance of this communicative layer to both my interlocutors and those who might view the results. These pages are organised as follows:

CONVERSATIONS gives you the chance to enter into a silent dialogue to different participants via a natural encounter - that is without a specific context. Meet people for the first time and explore the interactions that will take place just as they happen

PROTAGONISTS introduces you to the your interlocutors and provides you with more context - most vividly in form of specific questions I asked. As everybody will be presented the same set of questions the results will provide for a certain degree of comparability. 

REFLECTIONS documents the course and development of this project by following the author and his non-verbal reflections about the process that is this research.

WE ARE IFE presents a special part of this project that was created during a fundraiser concert for the visual artist Ife Piankhi who is facing a personal challenge that requires her to be hospitalized. I asked the participants of WE ARE IFE to reach out to Ife and talk to her - using only nonverbal means. The resulting 'dialogue' is intensive indeed - but see for yourself. 

CONTACT provides you with the opportunity to reach out. Do want to participate? Enter into a critical dicourse? Leave a statement!


And now, by all means:


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